How Blue Things lifted MCP’s keyword rankings across the board

How Blue Things lifted MCP’s keyword rankings across the board

Explore Blue Things' SEO tactics that boosted Meridian Compensation Partners' keyword rankings and domain authority.

Project info


Premium link building



new strategic keywords





homepage's average position

Project Overview

In January 2024, Meridian Compensation Partners, an executive compensation consulting firm, started a collaboration with our agency to enhance their online visibility and drive website traffic. 

Growing a business in this niche involves overcoming high competition for visibility, adhering to complex regulations and governance standards, and addressing the specific needs of boards and C-level executives across diverse industries. 

The project is ongoing with several strategic objectives:

  • Overall SEO optimization: Implementing comprehensive SEO strategies across the website to boost visibility.
  • Homepage ranking improvement: Enhancing the search engine ranking for key business-related words on their homepage to attract more targeted traffic and potential clients.
  • Strategic blog growth: Increasing the visibility of key blog pages that discuss critical industry topics, ensuring they rank higher in search results.

These goals and challenges are structured to solidify Meridian’s authority in the executive compensation consulting sector and drive meaningful engagement with its content.

Project Execution

The execution of our SEO strategy for Meridian Compensation Partners began with a detailed analysis of their current website and top competitors in this niche. This involved:

  • On-page and off-page SEO audit: We conducted a thorough audit to identify issues that could impact search visibility, such as site speed and mobile responsiveness.
  • Keyword research: Focused research was carried out to identify high-value keywords related to executive compensation consulting.
  • Internal linking strategy: We implemented a strategic internal linking plan to enhance site navigation and distribute page authority across the website.
  • Backlink strategy: A robust link-building campaign was launched to acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable sites within the industry, enhancing Meridian’s domain authority and search rankings.

Throughout the project, we consistently monitor and adjust our strategies to stay in line with changing SEO best practices and Meridian's business objectives.

Project Results

Since we implemented our SEO strategy for Meridian Compensation Partners, the improvements across several key metrics have been impressive in just 6 months:

  • The Domain Rating (DR) rose from 40 to 43, marking a 7.5% increase in site authority.
  • The website gained 773 new strategic keywords and saw a traffic boost of 1.6K in the US.
  • The homepage experienced significant improvements, as key business-related keywords - some with difficulty ratings ranging from 30 to 47 - moved up to average positions between 1 and 7.
  • We built 44 links on high-authority websites with an average DR of 61, strengthening Meridian's credibility online.
  • A targeted article on equity incentives successfully captured 340 keywords and ranked in the top 1-4 positions for many on Google.
  • Another detailed piece on annual incentive plans amassed 400 keywords, with many reaching the top 1-3 positions on Google.

These results clearly show the success of our SEO efforts in boosting Meridian’s visibility and authority in the executive compensation consulting field.

Want the same results? Let's jump on a free strategy call to see how we can help.