How Blue Things boosted Hurom's organic visibility by 88%

How Blue Things boosted Hurom's organic visibility by 88%

Discover how our comprehensive SEO campaign resulted in an 88% surge in organic sessions and a 160% increase in non-branded traffic for Hurom.

Project info


SEO management | Link building | Content marketing



organic shopping growth





non-branded keyword clicks

Project Overview

Hurom, a prominent player in the premium juicer market, needed a strategy that would increase its visibility and confirm its position as a top choice for quality juicers.

Our project with Hurom focused on boosting their web traffic and enhancing search engine rankings, targeting both the US and Canadian markets to maximize online sales.

The juicing market is extremely competitive, requiring more than basic SEO tactics. Our approach included:

  • Competitor analysis: The juicer market is saturated, making it essential to employ sophisticated SEO strategies that highlight Hurom's unique offerings.
  • Market expansion: Introducing Hurom effectively to the Canadian market while reinforcing its presence in the US involves adapting to diverse consumer preferences and search behaviors.
  • Targeted keywords: It was crucial to identify and rank for specific keywords that would attract health-conscious consumers and those interested in premium juicing solutions.
  • Quality backlinks: Building a strong backlink profile from respected health, lifestyle, and kitchen appliance sites is vital to increasing Hurom's domain authority and improving search engine visibility.
  • Content strategy: A tailored content strategy, including targeted blog posts and informative articles, was implemented to engage potential customers and reinforce Hurom's expertise in the juicing space.

This strategic approach aimed to tackle the competitive hurdles and consumer expectations specific to Hurom’s market.

Project Execution

We execute the Hurom project with a focus on increasing awareness about "slow juicer" and similar terms, educating the public on the advantages of slow juicing, and improving visibility for non-branded keywords.

  • SEO audit and strategy development: We started with a thorough SEO audit to evaluate Hurom's current online status and pinpoint areas for improvement. This allowed us to tailor a strategy aimed at educating and engaging target markets in the US and Canada about slow juicing.
  • Content creation and link-building: Our strategy includes producing informative content that highlights the benefits and various options of slow juicing. This content supported our keyword strategy and helped secure valuable backlinks from reputable health and lifestyle websites.
  • Ongoing monitoring and adjustments: We keep a close eye on how well the campaign is doing, making necessary adjustments along the way. This constant refinement helps us maintain Hurom's position as a leader in the slow juicer market, adapting to changes in search behaviors and market trends.

Project Results

The ongoing SEO campaign for Hurom, marking a year of collaboration that continues to this day, has achieved significant results, underscoring the impact of our comprehensive strategies.

  • From April to June 2024, Hurom experienced a remarkable 160% surge in non-branded keyword clicks with an improvement in average position from 22 to 16.
  • Year-over-year organic sessions saw an 88% increase. Notably, organic shopping grew by 847%, underscoring the expanded market reach and customer engagement.
  • A significant leap from 816 to 1,300 keywords captured in featured snippets over five months, highlighting our success in targeting bottom-of-the-funnel keywords and capturing the consideration phase of potential customers.
  • Our targeted content strategy resulted in a 262% increase in blog clicks and a 114% rise in impressions from Q1 to Q2 2024.
  • We built 113 links on medium to high-authority websites, enriching Hurom's backlink profile and boosting the visibility of models like the H70, which saw a 94% increase in impressions in June alone.
  • We produced 15 strategic content pieces from January to June 2024, each crafted to resonate with Hurom’s audience and strengthen its SEO positioning. These efforts were crucial in driving both engagement and conversions.

These achievements have not only improved Hurom's position in the US and Canadian markets but have also contributed to ongoing increases in online sales and sustained business growth.

Want the same results? Let's jump on a free strategy call to see how we can help.