Sep 12, 2024

SEO Contract: Free Contract Template + An SEO Agency’s Insider Tips and Stories

SEO Contract: Free Contract Template + An SEO Agency’s Insider Tips and Stories

Hiring an SEO agency without a solid contract is like sailing uncharted waters without a map.

Risky, isn’t it?

You’re not just jeopardizing your business; you’re also leaving your hard-earned results to chance.

But breathe easy – you’ve landed in the right place.

We’ll use our experience in the art and science of SEO to give you:

  • An easy-to-edit SEO contract template.
  • Insider tips that we’ve gathered from years in the field
  • Insider stories

Think of this as your guiding star in the SEO universe, leading you toward successful partnerships and clear, mutually beneficial agreements.

So, let’s dive right in.

The SEO Contract Template

You could stop reading here because here’s the SEO contract template you can use right now.

But you would miss all our SEO rants, insider tips, and real-life stories from our experience as an SEO agency.

First, the template, which we encourage you to check and edit with the help of your legal advisors:

SEO Contract

This SEO Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) is effective as of [Effective Date],

By and Between

[Your Agency Name] (hereinafter referred to as “SEO Agency”), located at [Your Agency Address],


[Client’s Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”), located at [Client’s Address].

Collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party.”

WHEREAS, the SEO Agency specializes in providing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Reporting Services; the Client wishes to engage the SEO Agency to enhance the search engine ranking and visibility of its website, [Client’s Website Link].

In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:

Terms and Conditions


  • SEO: The process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search engine results.
  • Search Engine: A web-based tool for searching information on the internet.
  • Keyword: A word or phrase used in an online search.
  • Link Building: Acquiring backlinks from other websites to enhance a site’s SEO.

SEO Services

The SEO Agency shall provide services including, but not limited to:

  • Keyword research and analysis.
  • On-page optimization.
  • Link-building strategies.
  • Monthly traffic and ranking reports.
  • [Other Specific Services]


Deliverables provided by the SEO Agency include:

  • Website Audit Report.
  • Competitive Analysis Report.
  • Social Media Strategy.
  • Customized SEO Action Plan.
  • [Other Specific Deliverables]

Duration of Contract

This Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and continue for [Duration], unless extended by mutual consent.


The total fee for the SEO services is $[Total Fee]. A non-refundable deposit of $[Deposit Amount] is due upon signing. Payments shall be invoiced [Payment Frequency].

Payment methods include [Payment Methods].

The fee breakdown is as follows:

[Additional Costs per Service]

All fees should be paid [weekly/monthly]. The payment method is [bank transfer/ credit card/ money transfer platform].


The SEO Agency will provide [Frequency] reports detailing the activities and results. Regular meetings will be held to discuss these reports and plan future strategies.

Client’s Responsibility

The Client shall provide all necessary access and cooperation for the SEO Agency to deliver the agreed services.

Representation and Warranty

The SEO Agency warrants its expertise and commitment to perform the services efficiently.

The Client acknowledges that SEO results are influenced by search engine algorithms, which are beyond the SEO Agency’s control.

Disclaimer of Warranty: The SEO Agency does not guarantee specific rankings or traffic volumes, as these are subject to the dynamic nature of search engines and online trends.

Relationship of Parties

The SEO Agency is engaged as an Independent Contractor. This Contract does not create a partnership, joint venture, or employer-employee relationship.


This Contract may be terminated by either Party with [Notice Period] days’ notice for breach of contract terms or upon completion of services and full payment.


All information shared during this Contract is confidential and shall be used solely for providing the Services unless otherwise publicly available or agreed in writing.

Limitation of Liability

Neither Party shall be liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages arising from this Contract.


Both Parties agree to indemnify each other against any losses or liabilities arising from their respective duties under this Contract.


Any legal disputes shall be resolved through Arbitration, with [Number of Arbitrators] Arbitrators appointed by [Party Name]. The venue will be [Location].


  • Assignability: This Contract cannot be assigned to third parties without written consent.
  • Severability: If any part of this Contract is unenforceable, the rest remains in effect.
  • Governing Law: Governed by the laws of [State].
  • Notices: Written notices must be delivered to the addresses stated above.
  • Entire Contract: This document represents the entire agreement between the Parties.

Acceptance and Signature

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have agreed to the terms and conditions set forth herein:

SEO Agency Signature: ____________________________

Client Signature: ________________________________

Why Have an SEO Contract?

With so many no-contract SEO companies using this lack of agreement as their forte, you might wonder if a legal document is genuinely necessary.

Absolutely – and here’s why:

  • Clarity and direction: A contract spells out clear goals, strategies, and expectations. It’s your roadmap in the SEO world, ensuring both parties are headed in the same direction.
  • Accountability: With a contract, accountability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a commitment. It defines who does what, when, and how. This means there’s no room for guesswork or unmet expectations. Both you and your SEO partner know exactly what’s required for success.
  • Conflict resolution: Misunderstandings can occur in any partnership. A well-drafted client contract includes dispute resolution terms, saving you from potential conflicts that could arise. It’s like having a rulebook that everyone agrees to follow.
  • Legal protection: Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – legal risks. A contract for SEO services safeguards your interests legally. It’s a binding agreement that can serve as a shield if things go south.
  • Measuring success: How do you gauge SEO success? The contract sets measurable deliverables and KPIs based on specific business objectives.

Here’s the counter-argument against SEO contracts:

Insider Story: The Perilous Path of No-Contract SEO Journeys

Let’s share a little story from our archives – a cautionary tale that underscores the value of an SEO contract.

A few years back, we had a client, let’s call them Company X.

They were eager to climb the SEO ladder but opted to skip the formal contract with their SEO partner. Initially, things seemed fine. Rankings improved, traffic increased, but cracks soon appeared.

Without a contract outlining specific responsibilities and targets, ambiguity crept in. Their SEO partner started to prioritize other clients, and Company X’s progress stalled.

Worse, when they wanted to address the issue, there was no agreement to refer back to and no predefined terms for resolving disputes.

The result?

Company X had to start from scratch with us, losing valuable time and money.

This could have been avoided with a solid SEO contract.

What to Include in Your SEO Contract?

If you skimmed the above SEO agreement template, you already noticed the main points we included.

Let’s explain why these matter with more tips and stories.

1. Contract Definitions

Clearly define key terms like search engine optimization, keyword research, website audit, search engine, and more.

This prevents any ambiguity about what is being discussed.

For example, some parties may expect to rank on social media too, even if you’re preparing an SEO strategy for major search engines – not an SEM plan.

Insider Tip: Use industry-specific language but keep it accessible.

If you say “SERP,” ensure the contract has a definition. Clarity is key to avoiding misunderstandings.

2. Your Responsibilities as an SEO Service Provider

This part refers to the agency’s responsibilities, defining your professional SEO services’ scope.

Each SEO client will have a specific problem and, therefore, specific SEO goal(s).

As such, outline:

  • The issues you’ll solve
  • Specific deliverables (e.g., on-page SEO, keyword research, competitive analysis, an exact number of content pieces, a precise number of backlinks built from websites with specific DRs, etc.)
  • The person/ persons in charge

Insider tips:

  • Focus on your SEO tasks, not the ins and outs of strategies. Also, remember that SEO results vary, so don’t commit to highly specific results, such as a particular organic traffic value.
  • Include a clause for ‘additional services’ with their rates. Often, clients request services outside the initial scope. This preempts scope creep.
  • Underpromise and overdeliver. It’s better to exceed modest guarantees than fail to meet overambitious ones.

3. The Client’s Responsibilities

Specify what you need from the client, such as access to their website, analytics data, or timely feedback.

Insider Tip: Highlight the importance of their timely cooperation.

Delays on their end can affect SEO outcomes, which should be stated clearly.

Insider Story: Too Many Cooks in the Content Kitchen

We once worked with a client, let’s call them Company Y.

They wanted to ramp up their online presence, so we decided on a certain number of links and content pieces each month – a strategy we were fully equipped to support.

Our team got to work crafting high-quality, SEO-optimized content that aligned with their initial brief.

However, as we began submitting our work, a significant challenge emerged.

The company had numerous decision-makers involved in the content approval process, each with their own opinions on style, length, and substance.

This led to a cycle of endless revisions – our content was constantly being sent back for changes, with conflicting feedback from different heads.

As a result, the content publication schedule was severely delayed.

Articles meant to capitalize on current trends and seasonal keywords were stuck in limbo, missing their optimal window for effectiveness. The constant rewrites not only strained our resources but also diluted the impact of the SEO strategy.

Over time, this lack of coordination and clear decision-making authority led to missed opportunities in search engine rankings and audience engagement.

Their competitors, with more streamlined processes, were quicker to publish relevant content and capitalized on market trends more effectively.

Insider Tip: Establish a clear, efficient approval process to avoid conflicts and maintain your SEO efforts’ momentum.

4. Asset Ownership

It’s essential to define who holds the rights to the various deliverables – be it creative work, written content, websites, or digital accounts.

Your SEO contract must include a specific section detailing the usage rights of these assets and the conditions under which ownership is transferred.

Consider the future:

  • How will accounts and other deliverables be handed over once the project concludes?
  • Who will be the acknowledged owner of these assets?

Insider tip: After transferring asset ownership, the contract should specify that the client assumes responsibility for any claims related to using these assets. This clause is vital to shield your agency from potential legal issues that might arise post-transfer.

5. Contract Duration

Clearly state the contract's start date plus a delivery timeline.

Include provisions for an extension if needed.

Remember that your SEO campaign will likely have multiple steps and stages; you want to meet all this by specific dates.

Insider Tip: If you're under a finite contract, you must add an end date.

In this case, recommend a minimum of 1-3 months to see tangible results. SEO isn’t an overnight game, and setting realistic timelines manages expectations.

6. Payment Terms

Detail the payment structure, including amounts, payment deadlines, and acceptable payment methods.

Include late payment penalties if applicable.

There are different types of payment structures for SEO:

  • Monthly payment: A monthly flat rate is best if you practice a slew of search engine optimization services with different tactics in the medium to long term. In this case, an hourly rate could become too costly for the client.
  • Milestone-based payment: You may also decide to include a payment for each deliverable, such as a website audit, guest post, or keyword research report. This option fits best if you know the SEO tactics you’ll employ precisely or if you have a one-off project.
  • Performance-based payment model: This can be attractive to clients and motivate your team, though it’s typically practiced for link-building packages.

Insider tip: Add advance payments for some SEO services to avoid being paid late.

Insider Story: Navigating the Seas of SEO Payment Structures

Our agency once partnered with a fast-growing e-commerce brand.

Initially, we agreed on a monthly payment structure for a comprehensive SEO campaign. The strategy encompassed everything from site audits to content creation and link-building. However, as the project evolved, we realized that a one-size-fits-all payment approach wasn’t serving us well.

The company was launching a new product line and needed a focused link-building campaign.

We proposed shifting to a milestone-based payment for this specific task.

This meant our client would pay for each significant achievement, like reaching a set number of high-quality backlinks. This shift made budgeting more manageable for them and allowed us to allocate resources more efficiently.

Later, we introduced a performance-based model for another project segment.

Our team was incentivized to exceed targets, knowing that higher performance would lead to better compensation. This was particularly effective for the link-building aspect of our campaign.

Insider Tip: Don’t shy away from negotiating different payment structures for different services or phases of the project. Be flexible and open to adjusting the payment model to fit the project’s needs and the client’s financial planning.

7. Termination

It’s important to have a clear, fair process for early termination.

Sometimes, things don’t pan out, and a clean break is best for both parties.

That’s why you should outline the circumstances under which either party can terminate the contract.

Termination clauses should include:

  • Notice periods and any financial implications
  • Situations when you can pause the contract, including notice periods and conditions to resume the suspended contract
  • The limits of your liability to protect yourself from unreasonable claims
  • The legal jurisdiction and how the contract will be interpreted in case of disputes

Insider tip: Include a clause that covers unforeseeable circumstances preventing either party from fulfilling their obligations. Define what counts as force majeure clearly. Pandemics, natural disasters, and similar events can be included.

8. Confidentiality

Emphasize the confidentiality of the client’s data and your strategies by explaining:

  • The exact business details you’ll need from them
  • Precise preventative measures you’re taking to ensure confidentiality

It’s important to assure clients that their competitive secrets are safe with you.

This builds trust and professional integrity.

Insider tip: You need confidentiality clauses, especially if you provide white-label SEO services to another SEO agency.

9. Signature

Include a section for both parties to sign the contract, affirming mutual agreement to all terms.

Insider Tip: Digital signatures are becoming the norm.

Suggest using an e-signature platform for efficiency and record-keeping.

Wrapping Up

Now that you’re here, you know what to include in your SEO contract.

And you have a free template you can edit according to your business strategies and needs.

Remember that the SEO agency-client business relationship should be nurtured, but also directed quite precisely. That’s what the contract does.

In the meantime, if you’re not sure you picked the right SEO services – whether B2B or white-label – schedule a free strategy call with us. We’ll share our professional opinion and help you judge if you made the right call.

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